About STa”M Project
The Rabbanim

Rav Levi
Rosh Yeshivas abc

Rav Cohen
Rosh Yeshivas abc

Rav Levi
Rosh Yeshivas abc
The team

Rav Levi
Rosh Yeshivas abc

Rav Cohen
Rosh Yeshivas abc

Rav Levi
Rosh Yeshivas abc
Our history
STAMP is a nonprofit organization, operating under the direct supervision and guidance of leading rabbanim and sofrim, whose mission is to restore transparency and reliability to the world of STa”M, using a state-of-the-art, professional approach.
What kashrus agencies did for our food, STAMP is now doing for our STa”M.
The need
Nobody questions the need for kashrus supervision. We understand the necessity of supervising a field with complex halachos where it is so easy for mistakes to occur.
Yet the field of STa”M, which is similarly complex and prone to error, operates without any supervision whatsoever. The vast majority of Jews are using STa”M written by sofrim whom they have never met, who work independently with no organized oversight system of accountability. This has created a worldwide situation where STa”M products are sent to market without any reliable way of knowing whether or not they are kosher.
In response to this untenable state of affairs, a group of prominent rabbanim and sofrim came together and decided: It’s time to change this situation.
We are non-profit organization
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